Menu Academic Personnel
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Menu University of California Santa Barbara

Resources for Academic Employees


  • Awards
  • Other Funding Opportunities
    Links to other campus organizations that provide funding opportunities, or information about external funding options for faculty and other academic employees.


  • UCSB Faculty Handbook
    The handbook provides useful information about the UCSB campus and academic life, particularly for incoming faculty or new recruits.
  • UCOP Faculty Handbook
    The handbook is produced by the Office of the President and provides summary information and serves as a guide to where official policies and more detailed information can be found regarding the University of California.
  • Department Chair's Handbook
    This annual publication provides practical guidance and information about the appointment and advancement process for academic employees.

Timekeeping Resources


  • Faculty Housing
    Information regarding MOP loans, for-purchase housing opportunities and future housing projects
  • Family Friendly Resources
    Policies, programs and Resources that assist faculty and other academic appointees in balancing the demands of work and family.

Other Resources