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Academic Personnel
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University of California Santa Barbara

Training and Workshops

  • Academic Personnel Certificate Program
    The Academic Personnel Certificate Program is designed to provide a comprehensive working knowledge of all aspects of Academic Personnel. Academic policies and procedures will be covered in general terms in the introductory course. These concepts will be further developed in the courses focused on specific groups of academic employees. Participants are welcome to take individual classes or to work towards a certificate.
  • Training and Workshop Registration
    Register for courses and workshops offered by the Academic Personnel office.
  • Training Materials
    View presentations from past courses and workshops
  • Ethics Education and Training
    Office of the President guidance and resources regarding ethics and compliance programs.
  • Sexual Harassment Prevention
    The Office of Equal Opportunity & Sexual Harassment / Title IX Compliance (OEOSH/TC) provides assistance in preventing and resolving & investigating complaints of sexual harassment/sexual violence and gender discrimination.
  • CANRA Mandated Reporter
    Information regarding California's Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act and the University's responsibility to identify Mandated Reporters.
  • UCSB access to LinkedIn Learning
    LinkedIn Learning is an online training library that offers more than 2500 video-based tutorials on diverse topics, taught by industry experts.

AP Office Hours

The Academic Personnel Office hosts weekly Zoom office hours for staff and faculty who have AP-related questions.

Office Hours are held on Mondays from 1:00-2:00pm:
Meeting ID: 822 3843 4575