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University of California Santa Barbara
Compensation and Benefits

Negotiated Salary Program (NSP)


The Negotiated Salary Program (see APM 672) is a flexible compensation program that allows Senate faculty to voluntarily contribute external funding resources towards their total UC salary. The amount of negotiated salary has a cap of 30% of the base salary in effect as of July 1, and the negotiated increment is effective for a one-year period corresponding with the University fiscal cycle of July 1 through June 30. Only contract or grant funds and other non-state-appropriated funds may be used to support the program.

To participate, faculty members must be in good standing with regard to teaching, research, and service obligations, and comply with all applicable University policies, procedures, and training requirements, as well as other conditions documented in the campus NSP plan:

Important Principles

  • Each participating faculty member is required to generate the additional negotiated income.
  • Each participating faculty member must maintain teaching and service activities commensurate with rank and department.
  • Additional compensation for a faculty member may not be at the expense of support for graduate students and postdocs. Rather, additional external funding must be obtained to support participation.

Submission Timeline

For consideration, all submission deadlines and procedures must be adhered to. Late applications will not be reviewed. A full list of deadlines appears in the chart below, but to initiate the process, faculty must submit the Faculty Request Form to their department no later than April 1, 2025 for the 2025/2026 Negotiated Salary Program. All requests must be completed correctly and signed. If you have any questions about NSP, the forms, or the process, please reach out to Academic Personnel at

Please follow the steps detailed in the Implementation Procedures (summarized below, in brief) to apply for participation in the NSP. Requestors will be notified of the final decisions regarding their requests during the month of June.


All three required forms must be submitted by the stated deadlines in the Campus Implementation Procedures in order for a request to be considered. Note that some forms include built-in calculations and formulas.

  1. NSP Faculty Request Form
  2. NSP Fund Manager Certification Form
  3. NSP Chair/Dean Certification Form

Steps for Submission

Step Forms Authority Actions to Take Submit to Deadline
1 Faculty Request Form Faculty Requestor Review and adhere to the NSP Implementation Procedures. Confirm funding availability with your Fund Manager/Business Officer.

Complete the Faculty Request Form, and submit it via email to the Department Chair, cc'ing the Fund Manager/Business Officer.
Department Chair and Fund Manager/ Business Officer April 1
2 Fund Manager Certification Form Fund Manager/ Business Officer Confirm that there are authorized funds available to cover the request. Resolve any issues with the faculty member and complete the Fund Manager Certification Form. Please ensure the negotiated amount includes any approved salary actions for the coming year. If a pending action is approved, please resubmit a revised Fund Manager Certification Form to Academic Personnel (with new signatures).

Once the Fund Manager Certification Form is complete, submit it via email to the Department Chair.
Department Chair April 15
3 Chair/Dean Certification Form Department Chair Complete the appropriate sections of the Chair/Dean Certification Form, then forward all three forms (Faculty Request Form, Fund Manager Certification Form, and Chair/Dean Certification Form) via email to the Dean. Dean May 1
4 All three forms Dean Review entire proposal, complete compliance checks, and sign Chair/Dean Certification Form. Forward all three forms (Faculty Request Form, Fund Manager Certification Form, and Chair/Dean Certification Form) via email to the Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Personnel. Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Personnel May 15
5 All three forms Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Personnel Review and make final determination of NSP request approval or rejection.   Rolling throughout June