TEACHING ASSISTANT: A Teaching Assistant may be assigned responsibilities that include, but are not limited to, the following duties: attending the assigned course, conducting section meetings, holding regularly scheduled office hours, reading and grading student papers, homework, and examinations, etc. Specific responsibilities for individual courses are determined by the faculty supervisor, department, or college.
Minimum qualifications for appointment as a Teaching Assistant are registered UCSB status as a graduate student at the time of employment and good academic standing.
ASSOCIATE IN _____: An Associate In _____ is responsible for the independent instruction of an entire course, and for other teaching-related duties such as holding regularly scheduled office hours, advising students, etc.
Minimum qualifications for appointment as an Associate In _____ are registered UCSB status as a graduate student at the time of employment, good academic standing, and approval by the graduate dean, divisional dean and applicable Senate committees. An Associate In _____ must possess a Master's degree or equivalent training and at least one year of teaching experience.
READER: A Reader renders diverse services as a "course assistant," which will normally include the grading of student papers and examinations. A Reader will not be given the responsibilities of a Teaching Assistant.
Minimum qualifications: Readers will usually be graduate students, but qualified undergraduate students may hold the title when graduate students are not available. Professional readers, not enrolled as students, may also hold the title to meet special needs. The appointing department will be responsible for determining that readers meet the required University standards.
TUTOR: A Tutor assists students in understanding course concepts, discovering solutions to problems, modeling study strategies, developing mehtods for independent work and preparing for upcoming exams.
Minimum qualifications: Graduate or Undergraduate standing with a 3.0 GPA overall and in the appropriate discipline. Must have an interest in teaching and demonstrate an ability to explain course materials. CLAS requests an unofficial transcript and letter of recommendation.
Exceptions: Exceptions to the minimum eligibility requirements for each position may be made at the sole discretion of the University.