Certificate Program Courses |
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Teaching Titles
This class will cover temporary teaching titles, including, Lecturers, Adjunct Professors, and Visiting Professors. Learn how to determine which title is the appropriate one to use, how to request an appointment, and what other considerations should be made when bringing someone to campus to teach on a temporary basis. Benefits, the Memorandum of Understanding for represented titles, and the review process will also be discussed. This course is intended for those unfamiliar with temporary teaching titles and policies or those pursuing the Academic Personnel certificate.
2/12/2025 (Wed)
9:30 AM-11:30 AM
Zoom link will be sent to registered attendees the day prior
26 out of 100
Senate Faculty Appointments
What can be done to make the recruitment and appointment process go smoothly and quickly and assure the successful hire of new faculty? This class will cover the entire hiring process for ladder faculty. Topics to be covered include general information about Senate faculty titles, preparation of an appointment case, how to determine starting salaries, and start-up requests.
This course is intended for those unfamiliar with Senate Faculty procedures and policies or those pursuing the Academic Personnel certificate.
2/27/2025 (Thu)
2:00 PM-3:30 PM
Zoom link will be sent to registered attendees the day prior
37 out of 100
Additional Compensation
Additional Compensation is any compensation paid to an academic appointee by the University in excess of their full-time salary. The policies concerning payment of additional compensation vary greatly depending on the type of payment. This course will cover policies, procedures and best practices for a wide range of types of additional compensation. This course is intended for those unfamiliar with additional compensation or those pursuing the certificate.
4/2/2025 (Wed)
9:30 AM-11:30 AM
Zoom link will be sent to registered attendees the day prior
28 out of 100
Academic Leaves
Academic employees are eligible for a variety of types of leaves, covered by a wide range of policies and procedures. This class will cover leaves including sabbatical, medical leaves, research leaves, active-service-modified-duty, and personal leaves. Resources and best practices will also be discussed. This course is intended for those unfamiliar with academic leave procedures and policies or those pursuing the Academic Personnel certificate.
1/15/2025 (Wed)
10:00 AM-11:30 AM
Zoom link will be sent to registered attendees the day prior
Postdoctoral Scholars
This class provides information on academic personnel policies and procedures related to postdoctoral scholars. Topics covered include appointments, reappointments, modifications, leaves, evaluations, salary increases, postdoc benefits, and best practices. This course is intended for those unfamiliar with postdoctoral scholar policies or those pursuing the Academic Personnel certificate.
Faculty Primer
Have you ever wondered what an "LSOE" is or why some instructors are referred to as "Senate Faculty" and others as "Non-Senate Faculty?" Do you know the difference between a merit and a promotion, or what "eligibility" means, or how the salary scales work? We break down the basic concepts underpinning faculty appointments and advancements and offer a chance to discuss items that we sometimes take for granted.
Senate Faculty Advancements
Senate faculty undergo regular personnel reviews. What needs to be done to assure their successful advancement up the ladder, and what is the role of the departmental staff in this process? Eligibility, preparation of an advancement case, and the advancement process are just a few of the topics to be covered in this class.
This course is intended for those unfamiliar with Senate Faculty procedures and policies or those pursuing the Academic Personnel certificate.
Research Titles
This class provides information on academic personnel policies and procedures related to academic research titles including Researchers, Project Scientists, and Specialists. Topics covered include: preparation of appointment, merit and promotion cases, reappointments and modifications, and best practices. This course is intended for those unfamiliar with temporary research titles and policies or those pursuing the Academic Personnel certificate.
Introduction to Academic Personnel
This class will provide an overview of all academic titles, processes and policies. Ladder faculty as well as temporary teaching and research titles will be discussed. Other topics will include academic terminology, appropriate use of the various academic titles, salary administration and the review process. This class is a prerequisite for all other classes for individuals who wish to obtain a certificate.
Student Titles
An important part of the graduate student experience is training in both research and teaching. This class will cover student academic employment in titles including Graduate Student Researcher, Teaching Assistant, Associate and Reader both during the academic year and during Summer Session. Find out how to assure appropriate and timely appointments for graduate student academic employees. This course is intended for those unfamiliar with graduate student titles and policies or those pursuing the Academic Personnel certificate.
Academic Recruitments
The first step in hiring an academic employee is the recruitment process. This class will cover all aspects of academic recruitment including: how to conduct a search, UCRecruit, the This course is intended for those unfamiliar with academic recruitment procedures and policies or those pursuing the Academic Personnel certificate.
Non-Certificate Workshops |
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Academic Leaves Workshop
This workshop will provide the opportunity for in-depth discussion of complex leave situations including partial quarter leaves, combinations of various types of leaves, and current best practices. Participants are encouraged to bring questions and real-life scenarios for discussion. The workshop is intended for individuals who work with leaves for academic employees and who wish to hone their knowledge and understanding.
1/28/2025 (Tue)
1:30 PM-3:00 PM
Zoom link will be sent to registered attendees the day prior
48 out of 100
Senate Faculty Appointments Workshop
This workshop will provide an opportunity for in-depth discussion of appointment topics related to Senate Faculty. Participants are encouraged to bring questions and real-life scenarios for discussion. The workshop is intended for individuals currently responsible for Senate Faculty personnel matters who wish to hone their knowledge and understanding.
3/12/2025 (Wed)
10:00 AM-11:30 AM
Zoom link will be sent to registered attendees the day prior
59 out of 100
Additional Compensation Workshop
This workshop will provide the opportunity for in-depth discussion of complex additional compensation issues and current best practices. Participants are encouraged to bring questions and real-life scenarios for discussion. The workshop is intended for individuals currently responsible for handling additional compensation who wish to hone their knowledge and understanding.
4/16/2025 (Wed)
9:30 AM-11:30 AM
Zoom link will be sent to registered attendees the day prior
48 out of 100
Senate Faculty Advancements Workshop
This workshop will provide an opportunity for in-depth discussion of advancement topics related to Senate Faculty. Participants are encouraged to bring questions and real-life scenarios for discussion. The workshop is intended for individuals currently responsible for Senate Faculty personnel matters who wish to hone their knowledge and understanding.
4/29/2025 (Tue)
1:30 PM-3:30 PM
Zoom link will be sent to registered attendees the day prior
62 out of 100
Research Titles Workshop
The workshop will provide updates on policy and procedure changes related to the Research, Project Scientist, and Specialist series.
In addition, we will have an in-depth discussion of various personnel actions and case preparation for research appointments and advancements.
The workshop is intended for individuals currently responsible for personnel matters in these series.
Academic Recruitments Workshop
NOTE: This workshop is NOT the same as the UC Recruit training sessions offered by AP although overlapping and related items may be discussed.
The Academic Recruitments workshop will provide an opportunity for discussion about academic recruitments including search plans, applicant management, reporting functionality, the UC Recruit system in general, or any other topics of interest to the attendees.
The workshop is intended for individuals who manage recruitments for their departments.
Student Titles Workshop
This workshop will provide the opportunity for in-depth discussion of advanced topics and issues regarding graduate student titles. Participants are encouraged to bring questions and real-life scenarios for discussion. The workshop is intended for individuals currently responsible for personnel matters related to graduate student employees who wish to hone their knowledge and understanding.
Teaching Titles Workshop
This workshop will cover aspects of various teaching titles. The 2023 workshop will focus on the updated procedures from the IX contract ratified in Dec 2021: appointments, reappointments, reviews, and continuing merit/promotion actions.
UC Recruit Search Plan Workshop
Many of the issues that system users encounter in UC Recruit can be avoided with a carefully crafted Search Plan. Creating a Search Plan in UC Recruit is the first recruitment step and sets the parameters, qualifications, requirements, and expectations for the recruitment’s entire life-cycle. Successful Search Plan configuration is therefore crucial to conducting a successful search.
UC Recruit Applicant Management Workshop
What does a department analyst managing a search in UC Recruit need to know to help avoid processing and approval delays for Shortlist and Search Reports? This presentation on applicant management allows attendees to discuss UC Recruit applicant processing issues and have the opportunity to ask questions of AP and EODP staff.
Other Training |
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Postdoctoral Scholars Contract
This workshop will provide information about changes in the recently ratified Postdoctoral Scholar contract and the campus implementation of the changes. The workshop is intended for individuals currently responsible for Postdoctoral Scholar appointments.
Unit 18 IX Lecturer Contract Training
This course will cover appointment averaging as required by Article 6 of the MOU. We will talk about the concepts of averaging, how it affects concurrent appointments and supplemental assignments, and what the payroll impacts are.
ASE New Contract Training-- Part A
UCOP-sponsored training on the new 2023 contracts governing ASEs-- please be sure to register for BOTH sessions!
ASE New Contract Training -- Part B
UCOP-sponsored training on the new 2023 contracts governing ASEs-- please be sure to register for BOTH sessions
GSR New Contract Training -- Part A
UCOP-sponsored training on the new 2023 contracts governing GSRs-- please be sure to register for BOTH sessions
GSR New Contract Training -- Part B
UCOP-sponsored training on the new 2023 contracts governing GSRs-- please be sure to register for BOTH sessions
AR Bio-bib Workshop
This session will go over how to properly fill out the online bio-bib for researchers, project scientist, and specialists, and common mistakes to avoid.
Faculty Workshops |
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Search Plan Training for Search Committees
A successful search in UC Recruit begins with proper configuration of the search plan, which sets the parameters, requirements, and expectations of a recruitment throughout its entire life cycle. This workshop will focus on key components that search committees should be mindful of when creating a search plan.
1/31/2025 (Fri)
9:30 AM-11:30 AM
Zoom link will be sent to registered attendees the day prior
91 out of 100
Faculty Office Hours with the AVC
Have questions about the promotion process? Or any other AP topic? Stop by our quarterly office hours, an open forum to discuss these questions with the AVC and your fellow faculty
2/28/2025 (Fri)
10:00 AM-11:00 AM
Zoom info will be sent to registrants shortly before the class
98 out of 100
Search Plan Training for Search Committees
A successful search in UC Recruit begins with proper configuration of the search plan, which sets the parameters, requirements, and expectations of a recruitment throughout its entire life cycle. This workshop will focus on key components that search committees should be mindful of when creating a search plan.
4/9/2025 (Wed)
1:00 PM-3:00 PM
Zoom link will be sent to registered attendees the day prior
100 out of 100
Faculty Office Hours with the AVC
Have questions about the promotion process? Or any other AP topic? Stop by our quarterly office hours, an open forum to discuss these questions with the AVC and your fellow faculty
4/11/2025 (Fri)
11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Spring OH focuses on tenure promotions. Zoom will be sent to registrants the day before
99 out of 100
Bio-bib Workshop
This session will go over how to properly fill out the bio-bib for merit/promotion cases, and common mistakes to avoid.
5/9/2025 (Fri)
10:00 AM-11:30 AM
Zoom info will be sent to registrants shortly before the class
83 out of 100
Apr 2024 RB MP Updates
This workshop will go over Red Binder updates in effect 4/1/24, and how they will affect merit and promotion cases in the upcoming 24-25 case cycle.
New Faculty Orientation
Learn more about the merit review process and other Academic Personnel topics in this in-depth introduction to AP.
Supervisors of ASEs and GSRs
The Office of Academic Personnel, Labor Relations, and the Office of Instruction and Learning will provide a training for GSR and ASE supervisors to attend an upcoming training focused on supervising this employee population.
Chair Workshops |
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Chair's Community of Practice Luncheon
Lunch will be provided
Lunch will be provided
2/28/2025 (Fri)
12:00 PM-1:30 PM
Faculty Club, Betty Elings Wells Pavilion
38 out of 50
Chair's Community of Practice Reception
Appetizers, wine, and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided
Appetizers, wine, and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided
4/18/2025 (Fri)
3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Faculty Club, Betty Elings Wells Pavilion
44 out of 50
Chair's Merit/Promotion Workshop
A discussion of the Department Chair's roles and responsibilities during the personnel review process, best practices, and common pitfalls to avoid.
5/28/2025 (Wed)
10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Zoom info will be sent to registrants shortly before the class
93 out of 100
Unit 18 Lecturers Appointments and Advancements
This workshop will cover the ins and outs of Unit 18 appointment, reappointment, assessment and review in light of the new IX contract ratified in Dec 2021. Please note: this workshop is geared towards Chairs. If you are staff, please sign up for the staff Teaching Titles workshop on 2/9/23.
Supervisors of ASEs and GSRs (Chair's Training)
Training for Department Chairs and ORU Directors on topics related to supervision of ASEs and GSRs.